Education & Training

The IRCAN institute and its scientific community are wholeheartedly mobilized and engaged to achieve high standard training for students and postdocs as well as to ensure their well-being and social integration in our community. IRCAN, as part of UCA, provides access to all UCA sponsored events and programs such as the UCA mentoring program and the scientific meetings and workshops (e.g. the Mitochondria in Health and Disease Winter School) organized by IRCAN researchers and the scientific community.

Additionally, IRCAN, on its own, has implemented a number of actions in order to provide students and postdoc with a high-quality scientific environment and training as well as an enjoyable place to conduct research. These include an IRCAN-sponsored internal mentorship program in which each graduate student can choose an IRCAN researcher as its institute mentor. This mentor commits to be available for the student on a daily and local basis to discuss all matters including, but not limited to, science, lab life, institute integration, PI/primary mentor concerns… The goal is to provide the student with an experienced researcher that can share its experience/knowledge beyond the subjects generally discussed with the PI.

IRCAN also sponsors a yearly student/postdoc Science Day, organized BY students and postdocs FOR students and postdocs on the topic of their choice and includes keynote lectures by international researchers. The last one was held on 25 January 2023.

At the Master’s student level, the IRCAN scientific community specifically implements a defense training session in order for students to get accustomed to presenting their results in a scientifically sound manner.

IRCAN also implements a weekly internal seminar series in which graduate students and postdocs are to present their work to the IRCAN community once a year. Finally, the IRCAN community as a whole gets together every other year for a Scientific Retreat.

IRCAN researchers and professors are committed to the training of UCA students at different levels: they give lectures at all levels (BSc, MSc) in the UCA Life Sciences curriculum (e.g. MSc MARRES), at the School of Medicine (e.g. MSc Biobanks and Complex Data Management) and at the engineering school Polytech; and more specifically to master’s student by participating in all master’s examination panels.

Finally, a biweekly IRCAN-sponsored social event (TGIF) is organized in the courtyard of the School of Medicine, under the palm trees, to chill out and bind our community.

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