Current lab members:
- Chloé FERAL (DR2 Inserm)
- Soline Estrach (CRHC) CRCN INSERM 2011
- Etienne Boulter postdoc CRCN
- Laetitia Seguin postoc CRCN
- Manon Durandy (LLCC, UCA )
- Charles-Maxime Vivier (MRT)
- Sarah Kunz (CIFRE Sanofi)
- Laurence Cailleteau, IECN Inserm
Lab Alumni:
- Chaïma BEDOUI
- Justine TEYTU
- Laure MUNOZ
- Quentin FERRARI
Our research explores how aging affects the regeneration of epithelial tissues—like the skin, intestine, and lungs—and their progression into cancer using models ranging from mice to cellular systems. The intestine and skin frequently renew themselves, while the lungs regenerate very slowly. These tissues interact extensively with the external environment, facing significant mechanical forces that they sense and respond to at various levels. We focus particularly on how cells convert mechanical signals into biological responses during tissue regeneration. Understanding the aging process’s impact on this and stem cell behavior could lead to breakthroughs in promoting healthier aging and designing targeted cancer therapies tailored to individual needs.
Current Projects
Top Publications
- par Charlène IltisAlthough senescent cells can be eliminated by the immune system, they tend to accumulate with age in various tissues. Here we show that senescent cells can evade immune clearance by natural killer (NK) cells by upregulating the expression of the disialylated ganglioside GD3 at their surface. The increased level of GD3 expression on senescent cells that naturally occurs upon aging in liver, lung, kidney or bones leads to a strong suppression of NK-cell-mediated immunosurveillance. In mice, we…
- par Floriane S TissotExtracellular vesicles (EVs) mediate intercellular communication. EVs are composed of a lipid bilayer and contain cytosolic proteins and RNAs. Studies highlight EVs striking functions in cell-cell crosstalk. Here, we found that small EVs can transfer functional signaling molecules through their lipid bilayer and participate in skin homeostasis. We identified a transmembrane protein CD98hc (a.k.a. SLC3A2), an integrin co-receptor (Itgb1 and Itgb3), implicated in epidermis homeostasis via its…
- par Soline EstrachAdult stem cells play a critical role in maintaining tissue homeostasis and promoting longevity. The intricate organization and presence of common markers among adult epithelial stem cells in the intestine, lung, and skin serve as hallmarks of these cells. The specific location pattern of these cells within their respective organs highlights the significance of the niche in which they reside. The extracellular matrix (ECM) not only provides physical support but also acts as a reservoir for…
- par Sarah KunzAlthough antibodies remain the most widely used tool for biomedical research, antibody technology is not flawless. Innovative alternatives, such as Nanobody^(®) molecules, were developed to address the shortcomings of conventional antibodies. Nanobody^(®) molecules are antigen-binding variable-domain fragments derived from the heavy-chain-only antibodies of camelids (VHH) and combine the advantageous properties of small molecules and monoclonal antibodies. Nanobody^(®) molecules present a small…
- par Swarnabh BhattacharyaThe cell fate decisions of stem cells (SCs) largely depend on signals from their microenvironment (niche). However, very little is known about how biochemical niche cues control cell behavior in vivo. To address this question, we focused on the corneal epithelial SC model in which the SC niche, known as the limbus, is spatially segregated from the differentiation compartment. We report that the unique biomechanical property of the limbus supports the nuclear localization and function of…
- par Isabelle PetitFibroblast growth factor-2 (FGF2) has multiple roles in cutaneous wound healing but its natural low stability prevents the development of its use in skin repair therapies. Here we show that FGF2 binds the outer surface of dermal fibroblast (DF)-derived extracellular vesicles (EVs) and this association protects FGF2 from fast degradation. EVs isolated from DF cultured in the presence of FGF2 harbor FGF2 on their surface and FGF2 can bind purified EVs in absence of cells. Remarkably, FGF2 binding…
- par Laetitia SeguinLung adenocarcinoma, the major form of lung cancer, is the deadliest cancer worldwide, due to its late diagnosis and its high heterogeneity. Indeed, lung adenocarcinoma exhibits pronounced inter- and intra-tumor heterogeneity cofounding precision medicine. Tumor heterogeneity is a clinical challenge driving tumor progression and drug resistance. Several key pieces of evidence demonstrated that lung adenocarcinoma results from the transformation of progenitor cells that accumulate genetic…
- par Etienne BoulterLEGO® is a brand of toys that have entertained generations of children. Beyond amusement, LEGO® bricks also constitute a building ecosystem of their own that creators from the general public, as well as scientists and engineers, can use to design and assemble devices for all purposes, including scientific research and biotechnology. We describe several of these constructions to highlight the construction properties of LEGO® and their advantages, caveats, and impact in biotechnology. We also…
- par Etienne BoulterMechanical signals are essential for the regulation of many biological processes. Therefore, it has become paramount to account for these mechanical parameters when exploring biological processes. Here, we describe a protocol to apply cyclic uniaxial stretch on cells in culture using a LEGO®-based mechanical stretcher and a flexible custom-made polydimethylsiloxane culture vessel as well as validated downstream applications. While this system offers an out-of-the-box limited type of simulation,…
- par Laetitia DouguetOnly a subpopulation of non-small cell lung cancer (NSCLC) patients responds to immunotherapies, highlighting the urgent need to develop therapeutic strategies to improve patient outcome. We develop a chemical positive modulator (HEI3090) of the purinergic P2RX7 receptor that potentiates αPD-1 treatment to effectively control the growth of lung tumors in transplantable and oncogene-induced mouse models and triggers long lasting antitumor immune responses. Mechanistically, the molecule stimulates…
- par Etienne BoulterMechanical cues are essential for the regulation of cell and tissue physiology. Hence, it has become an utmost necessity for cell biologists to account for those mechanical parameters when investigating biological processes and they need devices to manipulate cells accordingly. Here, we report a simple mechanical cell-stretching system that can generate uniaxial cyclic mechanical stretch on cells in tissue culture. This system is based upon a low-cost battery-powered uniaxial cyclic mechanical…
- par Marianne Stemann AndersenThe sebaceous gland (SG) is an essential component of the skin, and SG dysfunction is debilitating^(1,2). Yet, the cellular bases for its origin, development and subsequent maintenance remain poorly understood. Here, we apply large-scale quantitative fate mapping to define the patterns of cell fate behaviour during SG development and maintenance. We show that the SG develops from a defined number of lineage-restricted progenitors that undergo a programme of independent and stochastic cell fate…
- par Etienne BoulterMechanical and metabolic cues independently contribute to the regulation of cell and tissue homeostasis. However, how they cross-regulate each other during this process remains largely unknown. Here, we show that cellular metabolism can regulate integrin rigidity-sensing via the sphingolipid metabolic pathway controlled by the amino acid transporter and integrin coreceptor CD98hc (SLC3A2). Genetic invalidation of CD98hc in dermal cells and tissue impairs rigidity sensing and mechanical signaling…
- par Thomas BerteroDysregulation of extracellular matrix (ECM) deposition and cellular metabolism promotes tumor aggressiveness by sustaining the activity of key growth, invasion, and survival pathways. Yet mechanisms by which biophysical properties of ECM relate to metabolic processes and tumor progression remain undefined. In both cancer cells and carcinoma-associated fibroblasts (CAFs), we found that ECM stiffening mechanoactivates glycolysis and glutamine metabolism and thus coordinates non-essential amino…
- par Laetitia SeguinNo abstract
- par Chloé C FeralCONCLUSIONS: We conclude that down-regulation of LAT1/CD98hc cannot explain the imaging phenotype of SDHx-related PPGLs. A reduced activity of LAT1 remains the primary hypothesis possibly due to a modification of intracellular amino acid content which may reduce ^(18)F-FDOPA uptake.
- par Floriane S TissotSkin, by nature, is very similar to the Rouquayrol-Denayrouze suit mentioned by Jules Verne in Twenty Thousand Leagues Under the Sea: it allows "to risk (…) new physiological conditions without suffering any organic disorder". Mechanical cues, to the same extent as other environmental parameters, are such "new physiological conditions". Indeed, skin's primary function is to form a protective barrier to shield inner tissues from the external environment. This requires unique mechanical properties…
- par Laura R de la BallinaCD98hc functions as an amino acid (AA) transporter (together with another subunit) and integrin signaling enhancer. It is overexpressed in highly proliferative cells in both physiological and pathological conditions. CD98hc deletion induces strong impairment of cell proliferation in vivo and in vitro Here, we investigate CD98hc-associated AA transport in cell survival and proliferation. By using chimeric versions of CD98hc, the two functions of the protein can be uncoupled. Although recovering…
- par Jean AlbrenguesCarcinoma-associated fibroblasts (CAF) mediate the onset of a proinvasive tumour microenvironment. The proinflammatory cytokine LIF reprograms fibroblasts into a proinvasive phenotype, which promotes extracellular matrix remodelling and collective invasion of cancer cells. Here we unveil that exposure to LIF initiates an epigenetic switch leading to the constitutive activation of JAK1/STAT3 signalling, which results in sustained proinvasive activity of CAF. Mechanistically, p300-histone…
- par Soline EstrachCD98hc (SLC3A2) is the heavy chain component of the dimeric transmembrane glycoprotein CD98, which comprises the large neutral amino acid transporter LAT1 (SLC7A5) in cells. Overexpression of CD98hc occurs widely in cancer cells and is associated with poor prognosis clinically, but its exact contributions to tumorigenesis are uncertain. In this study, we showed that genetic deficiency of CD98hc protects against Ras-driven skin carcinogenesis. Deleting CD98hc after tumor induction was also…
Lab News
Spring school « Mechanobiology across fields »
As part of the MECABIONIC program, we organize a Spring school entitled Mechanobiology across fields from 24 to 28 of March 2025. The school will bring together junior researchers from various fields including […]
Fête de la Science 2024
IRCAN was once again present at the Village des Sciences de Nice on October 11, 12 and 13 to talk about our research with: – middle and high school students […]
New Website!
Please enjoy our new website! We want to create a imersive hub for all news and events in the fields of cancer and ageing. if you see an error, please […]
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