Derniers Évènements passés

Internal Seminar : « Stress signals and hematopoietic stem cell aging » by Giang TO VU (Equipe Eirini TROMPOUKI)

Faculté de Médecine - Amphitheâtre 1

Hematopoietic stem cells (HSCs) are pluripotent cells that have capacity to replenish all blood cells. HSCs stay quiescent| in the bone marrow niche, until they get triggered to differentiate, which is also happening during aging. However, whether aging is a collection of moments of stress signals that make HSCs exit quiescence is not known. Here, […]

Internal Seminar : « The role of p16High state in oocytes in intergenerational programming of adult phenotypes. » Alessandra PIERANTONI (Equipe Dmitry BULAVIN)

Faculté de Médecine - Amphitheâtre 1

Abstract: Cellular senescence is conventionally defined as a state of permanent cell cycle arrest in response to multiple stress factors such as DNA damage but also aging. Excessive accumulation of senescent cells can negatively impact different tissues, creating a proinflammatory environment leading to development of various age-related diseases. This project is focus on the analysis […]